the roads &; the country, that I have had but little serious reflections yet have not had unpleasant sensations or enjoyed so large a portion of that precious conso- lation, which my soul, above all things, desires. - O that I may abide in a watch- ful state with my eye single to Him whose fatherly protection is as a wall round about all those who are severely devoted to serve him where ever their lots may be cast. On the th 8th day after they set off at the Big Meadows on the third fork of Pine creek the country became such a wilderness, the road thro' so little improved, being often intersected by the fallen timber, as to ren- der geting their waggon thro’ at that time impracticable, consequently they were oblidgd to leave it part of ther bedding, cloathing &;c and persue their journey mostly on foot their horses being loaded with the necessaries of what they could take - they were four in number a young man who went to assist them