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Some Account of Rachel Coope [edited by Joshua Sharpless]


late time has pass'd comfortably along feeling my faith a little strengthen'd and my trust in the alone source of preservation renew'd. 7 mo 22nd From her diary -- A number of circumstances has latterly accured that has felt trying yet thro’ all I have endeavour'd to keep quiet, believing a way will be made for that which is right; and to be resign'd to the event be it as it may is what I ardently wish. This is the last account kept by her self or we have from any of her letters. Believing her situation claimd the company of some of her relations my daughter Edith and myself pre- par'd and the 12 of the 7 mo 1807 left home and in 13 days ariv'd at Tunasas- sah. The family received us with express- ions of joy in their countenances. particular-