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Some Account of Rachel Coope (Journal A)


the Worlds applause, knowing that it is not human literature, orthe acquirements of Man, we areto be enriched with, but with the blessings of the Poor in Spirit. I frequent-ly look towards my native home, withlonging desires to hear from you, nothaving heard a Word from Chester CountySince we left there. My dear B. has notbeen very well since we came here, thomostly keeps about, Jacob Taylor oftencharges him to take care of himselfuntil he becomes accustomed to theClimate and Water, Cousin and my-self have been bravely. -- The youngMen had moved into their new Houseabout two weeks before we came, whichwhen finished will be a very comfortableone, and a pleasant situation, thoselately cleared, that it looks fough abouthere yet, and the Garden &;c will not be very productive this season, They havetwo Men hired, one a Carpenter finish-ing the Mill, the other diging or mond are kept very busy at