home so far, together with housewoand sewing for the young Men, indeed was time for them to have some femalesamong them, their Situation was tryinglet those who are favored with allconvenienceies, and necessaries of Lifecalmly reflect on the many advantagesthey enjoy, and the Obligations they areunder to their gracious benefactors. ISalute you all in near affection, hopingto hear from you before long, and I wishto be affectionately remembred to all enquiring fnds. &; relations, not forgettingGrandMother, in which my husbandand Cousin joins. I mentioned it wasthought letters would come this summeron the state Road, but that communicat will be entirely Stoped in the WinterSeason, Jesse or Abner Barker at Pitts-burgh will take care to forward lettersto us. I hope thou wilt not expose mynotes, tho have no Objection to someof my near relations seeing them, ifI get time, I propose makeing out ashort draught for Brother Ezra, asI intend writing to him. I had intended