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Some Account of Rachel Coope (Journal A)


to have written to my Brothers andSisters, but could not to all except com-prized in one letter, therefore must post-pone it at present, and perhaps maysend an answer when they Write to me. 6 mo 30 when I wrote to the foregoing I expected J Thomas, and Wm Embree would have set off sometime last weekbut Jonathan was desirous to see theIndian return from Pittsburgh, andit is probable he may come to dayor tomorrow, but Wm being uneasybeing uneasy I expect they will setof early tomorrow Morning whetherthe Indian returns or not, and I hopewhen he comes, I shall not be disap-pointed of hearing from Chester Coun-ty, we are enjoying a pretty good stateof Health in near Affection, I remain Your Daugher Rachel Coope