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Some Account of Rachel Coope (Journal A)


Tenusassa 6th m 23rd 1804Estemed Parents About two weeks ago I wrote and sent by an Indian that was going to Pittsburg for the things that the com-mittee sent for us, in which I promis'd to give a more fullaccount of our journey by Wm Embree, and I felt myself so in-debted to father as rendered it requisite for me to comply withhis request, but looking over, and seeing how imperfectly itwas, almost discouraged me attempting, for I cannot con-cieve it will be any way entertaining excepting a lit-tle bare information. I often feel myself very defectivein literary knowledge and my Ideas in matters of consequence much confined, let those whose genius are morebrightened have charity, and accept dear father my communications flowing from the sincerity of the heart, my mind has felt very much wean'd from the worlds applause