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Some Account of Rachel Coope (Journal A)


the road backward and forward for severalm after crossing it a great many times, andcoming to it again I percievedg a treeacross a little down, which appeared abouttwo yards high from the water &; attempting itfor a bridge. when near the middle it swagging my foot slipping, in I went not much overshoe tops and was forced to wade thro. altho we had not travelled a great distance this morn. but it was difficult geting along and my feet being wet, con cluded to make a fire and get breakfastand feed the horses, we then proceeded, continuingthro the wilderness, we came to pine C. cross'd it 13. times in about 5 or 6m got to Morris'sMills about 12 oclock 12 1/2m from where welodged, we met with Francis Kings daughter when was at Wm Ellis and she told us we could not get thro the wilderness with the waggon, and also the manthat lives here said the name which seemeddiscourageing, got dinner, set off half past2, cousin and I travelling on foot having a mountain to ascend got a great distance. beforethe waggon, we stoped at one Jackson's tillthe men come who were the people seemed gladto see us tho no acquaintance, the woman said shewas pleased to see us so chearful, but herhusband, said it would take us six weeks to get there with the waggon, but told