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Some Account of Rachel Coope (Journal A)


2nd1st day Cloudy morn 5 o clock set out, travelling till 8 cross'd the Oswago C it begin -ing to rain thot best to get breakfast 9.proceeded again, got to John Bell's 12 oclock12m his wife seeing us coming ran out tomeet us with tears running, we were glad to see her, having been better thantwo days and two nights in the wilderness,altho the journey has been a little tryingyet I felt somthing animating and en -courageing 6 revived, and my heart was filled with a precious sweetness which wasa sufficient consolation for the mosttrying seasons, O may I ever abide in thepatience with my eye single to himwho knoweth best what is best for us,after dinner Benjamin and Wm went 3 milesto Francis King's to see about a canoe and staid all night, we staying with M.Bell her husband not at home 3rd2nd day Cloudy about 10 o clock they came &; F King with them, and fetched some horses for cousin and I, we went to F. to dinner it looking like for rainthey &; wished us to stay all night, butwe thot to get 12m down the river toRobert Hoops's. could get thro hoping next day