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Some Account of Rachel Coope (Journal A)


to reach Tunesassah and were where we were anxious to gethome set off about 3 F, his son and daug-hter with us, before we had gone far itbegan to thunder and the Gust increased till therewas a very heavy shower, we stoped at alittle house a while till the heaviestwas over, but the loads being on the horses I was afraid our clothes wouldbe very wet. and having nothing buta foot path, and the bushes very wetmade it disagreeable travelling. butwe got R Hoopss there 7 o clock and were kindly reli-eved, but the man was not at home, be-ing gone to seek provision, several placeswe have been at latterly it has been the case, scarce of provision, which isthe case here, none for us, no canoe totake us down, haveing some with usgot our supper and went to bed 5th4th day Cloudy and like for rain Ben&; Wm, and Frances with them set off forTunesassah on horse back, leaving us be-hind, purposing sending a canoefor us 5th4th day This day has been spentwith anxious desires to see a canoe,we feel very dull and lonesome, two