be near, a considerable number of our near relations and fnd s being present, we took leave of them in the feeling embraces of endearing love, Father Coope &; Brother Ezra bearing us company to M. Embrees, there we took an Affectionate farewell of dear James and his Wife, and we parted with Father, a close trial, tears flowed in an abundance under a feeling sympathy for him, &; ardent desires were raised in my heart, that he might be enriched with that Peace, now in his lonesome and advanced Stage of Life, which is the precious enjoyment of all the sincere hearted. Brother continuing with us to Wm. Trueman’s 11 miles, my husband and Brother lodged in the Waggon, Cousin and myself were more comfortably accommodated with a good Bed, I soon fell asleep, but on wakeing about 3 the recollection of the parting season so forc-ably revived, that Tears flowed from my Eyes, &; sleep departed. Thou Oh my God has at Seasons been pleased in thy unmerited goodness to make bare thy Arm, and in times of trial afford sweet consolation as patience was abode in,