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Some Account of Rachel Coope (Journal B)


through the Woods, except a small Culti-vated spot where, for a rarity, we saw some wheat growing, came on the bank of Mahony Creek, went up the side of it a Considerable distance between won-derful Mountains, it is a very large Creek, after crossing it we came to Ma-hony Mountain it took us near and hour to go over, the north side of it was amazingly steep, stoped 11 miles fed our Horses, and made some Chocolate for Break-fast, started ½ past 9 had a very Rough Road crossed Shomokin Creek, then pass-ed through Sunbury, the Capital of North-umberland County, we then crossed the East branch of Susquehanna, ½ an hour Ferrying over, 1 mile across. Fed in Northumberland Town 8 miles, thence through rather a barren Soil, tho considerably cultivated, crossed Chilis-quaque Creek, a considerable stream, got on the West branch of Susquehanna, the land good, as was also the road, reach-ed Milton a small Town about 6, 12 miles put up at Brady's Tavern, but I being very unwell, soaked my feet, took a little medicine