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Some Account of Rachel Coope (Journal B)


28 th 3rd day, Started this Morning alittle after 4, in about 1 mile we stopedat a house to by buy some Grain forthe Horses, being informed that itwas so scarce an Article further ahead that we should not be able toprocure any as we went along, Cou-sin and I steped into a little house bythe Side of the land; while the Men were geting the grain, where we met with a Fa-mily from Chester County, Baily's by name who invited us to eat Breakfast, whichkindness we accepted of, and proceed- ing we crossed Lycoming Creek a largeWater, then passed through a smallVillage called Newberry, and asscend-ed the Hill, then went through aWilderness Country very Moutainous5 miles to one Brook's, the Men tooktheir Breakfast of a Cup of Milk andRye bread while the Horses were feedingĀ½ past 9 started, a very rough Road to the foot of the Allegany 6 miles, where we fed the Horses, had a Rock for ourTable, some of our Waggon store, with