the Road very Baggy and Roughuntil after after leaving the Watersof Pine Creek, then pased through some good land near the head Wa-ters of the Allegeny, and towards evening at the foot of a Mountainwhere we had plenty of Water, we pitched our Camp, and preparedfor Lodging, had a good nights rest after a fataguing days Journey of26 miles, Cousin Walking all the way, I the greater part, she did itof Choice. 2 nd 1 day of the Week a Cloudy MorningSet out at 5 OClock, traveling until traveling until 8, on CrossingOswago Creek, a Branch of the Allegeny,it began to Rain, we pitched camp &;got Breakfast, started at 9 andarrived at John Bell's at 12 in Kings Settlement his Wife seeing us comingran out to meet us with Tears run- ing down, we were glad to see her,the Joy was mutual, the sight of a fnd after so perelious a Journey, howconsoleing, having been more than