two days and nights in the Wilder-ness, since we left the last house. Althothe Journey has been trying, yet I felt something so animating, and reviving encouraging to revive, that my Heart was filled with a precious sweet-ness which was a full consolationfor our most trying seasons, Ohmay I abide in the patience withmy Eye single to him who know- eth what is best for us. -- Afterdinner, Benjamin and William went 3 miles to Francis Kingsto see after a Canoe to take usdown to Tunesassah,, where they staidall night, and we continued with MaryBell, her Husband not at home.12 miles 3 rd 2nd day of the Week, a Cloudy Morn-ing, about 10 my Husband and Wm returned, Francis King comingwith them, bringing Horses for Cousin and myself to Ride on, We went toF Kings to dinner, and it lookinglikely for Rain, they wished us to stay