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The Bank of Faith and Works United


shilling in the world, and have one hundrend miles to go,to my husband, who is at a new plantation. I have comeone hundred miles, where we have moved from, and yes-terday I had my pocket book, with my money; but havelost it, and yet I know not how or where! I went intosupper, being sent for, with a pitiful tale, to the company who eat with me, which consisted of eight merchants, andone female; but no impression could be made on anyheart, by my arguments of wo, to alleviate the wretchedsituation of this poor woman, and her three children! therefore, my Gracious God moved my soul to go and giveher a part of my money, with this message, I can buttell thee of one Friend, and that is God; take this money,and He who has provided this for thee to-day, will pro-vide for thee to-morrow: trust in Him. I suppose thisperson was as much astonished as she could be; for she had got into the waggon to set off, the sun being gonedown. What a compassionate Friend is our HeavenlyFather! and how mindful is He of all His creatures, whoare scattered up and down over the earth! having alwaysservants at hand, to do His Work for Him; unless He in-tends to honour any of His children, with His extraordina-ry Love, as He did when He led through the Red Sea sixhundred thousand men, besides women and children, forwhom the waves divided at the Presence of Jehovah, whoappointed them at the first their secret bars. The 26th I got to Vernon, and was introduced to Cal-vin Young, who was Innkeeper there. The stranger thatrequested Calvin Young to be a father to me, came pas-senger from Utica, and was like a brother to me, reward-ing the mercy I manifested the day before. How manytimes we lose the blessing of God, for want of searchingout the miseries of mankind, and supplying them out ofour little stock, which is the Lord’s, to do his Will! The 27th of 7th mo. 1805, Calvin Young said he wouldgo with me to Oneida Castle, to see the Indians of the SixNations, and particularly Skanando, the oldest Chief, whowas a great favourite of his, from his sobriety. Before I