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wanted animation in his delivery, which was a great dis-advantage; nevertheless they were very attentive, andfully satisfied by Doctor Peter’s Energetic Speech, thatindicated, They were thankful that the Good Spirithad sent me over the Great Water to visit them; and theyhoped the Great Spirit would take care of me; and con-duct me safe back again to my own native place, request-ing another visit from me next Sabbath morning if I wouldindulge them with my company. Doctor Peter was aChief, as well as their Speaker, and delivered their speechof gratitude with great punctuality, which I lament onaccount of not having it translated. Blacksmith, the oldPagan Chief, was highly pleased with my prayer, andsermon, and desired the favour of my Coming again,when I bid him adieu. His ears were slit, and hangingdown, and his forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin were paint-ed red: he had a hairy cap on, with a red tail half a yardlong, with a yellow striped ruffled dress, that came downto his feet, and the sleeves thereof to his fingers, bowedtogether with age, having on his brest a large ornamentlife a half moon of silver. In this part, they who knewhim, said that he thought the white people devils, becausethey never were infested with rats, or crows, till theysettled round them. To my eye, he appeared a completesavage: and I venture to say, the remembrance of him intime will never wear off, I was filled with such dread awewhile he described the white preachers to me, and I hopehis situation will arouse me to pray for the completion ofthose promises respecting Jesus Christ, He shall takethe heathen for His Heritage, and the uttermost part ofthe earth for His Possession. And all shall know theLord, from the least to the greatest. In the afternoons, I went two miles to the other settle-ment of Indians, on the Oneidaground, where numberscollected together with the Indians, and my Interpreterwent for the purpose of relieving my anxiety, which wasgreat, from a desire to benefit those whom the Lord myGod had caused me to sow in tears for ever since I was a