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The Bank of Faith and Works United


The number of Indians here a bouts are seven or eighthundred; but those tribes have been greatly diminished,through the wicked white people introducing strong drinkamong them, to defraud and take every advantage of theirweakness and gross ignorance. Was not the MercifulGod to provide a little food for them, as He does for thebirds of the air, they must utterly perish from off the faceof the earth, being almost strangers to economy and in-dustry; which two things, enrich the most miserable na-tions, when the Blessing of Heaven is upon their basketand store. [1st 8th mo. 1805.] Every day brings me nearer my mansion of bliss, that is prepared for me to dwell in at God's Right Hand. In all my conflicts betwixt flesh and spirit, the world and satan, my prospect is sure: for a determination is in my soul, through Christ's strengthening me, to abide faithful.Fiery baptisms are my lot here; but they all tend to make me more complete in holiness; more like the Image of my Lord and Master. Earthly joys cannot delight me; no,it is the salvation of the lost sons and daughters of Adam,that I am comforted with: therefore, O my god! give me seals to my ministry, that I may rejoice therein, and be auseful instrument in my day and generation. Thou artgrowing up in me, and I shall be perfect by Thy Spirit's Covering, by Thy Robe of Righteousness put around me.How beautiful will the King's Duaghter be then! How comely to the eye! How precious in His Sight! no cross,no suffering shall I decline; moving by His direction, andsubmitting to His justice, when His holy fire burns up thedross of sin, that remains from the contaminating influ-ence of satan, whose dark influence is poured forth allaround this world, while he walks up and down, to andfro, seeking whom he may overturn or devour. Calvin Young lent me his chaise this morning, to goto see the Christian Chief Skanando, who was very gladto see me again, and told me he was formerly a warrior,and shewed me how his ears were cut in the midst, andhis neck with powder marked to distinguish him thereby,