placed them so remote in the earth, that they might evi-dence The foolishness of God, that should displayitself in His time Wiser than the wisdom of men.Thus did I return home weeping, with perfect acquiescenceto His hidden mystery, while I remained silent, and fullof sorrow, having my mind awed through the rebuke ofthe King of Saints, and was afterwards abundantly filledwith praise and love, to my Creator, for His Distinguish-ing Mercies, that I have partook of all my life long to thepresent: and I desire every breath to utter forth thanks,which are due to His Great Name: and to tell of HisLoving Kindness in chastening my foolish heart, thatwould dispute, and judge His Marvellous Providence, whohas required of my hands diligence, obedience, and afaithful reliance on His Promises; that I may perform HisSovereign Will, and answer His Divine Purpose, as a childof His Widom, who shall be justified at the last in thesight of all Nations, having suffered his Will, and doneall which the Lord my God appointed, while among mu-table creatures; born to give account at the last forevery thought, word, and action in time. [3d 8th mo. 1805,Vernon, Oneida County.] This morning, my friend Eve Young, went with me toJudge Dean’s, to ask if he would interpret for me, as heknew the Indian language, being among them much whena child; he said, Few know an Indian’s heart, but I do;and I think, they are not of the same species which we are.I smiled with contempt at his opinion, believing the Lordwill visit them with gracious outpouring of His Spirit;then shall it be evidenced, their genius, or mental powers,are bright as ours: and that their hearts are as suscepti-ble of divine impressions: for my part, I believe many ofthem are wrought upon by the Light, but heir dwelling inthe woods obscurely, have made them appear in the eyesof men, almost like the brute creation. The white peo-ple, who are of a bad principle, receive their clothes, andsmall necessaries for rum, or money to procure it, whichI think should be severely punished. There is a fine for