taking advantage over them by selling rum to them, butit is so trifling, that it is not regarded by the wicked pro-fessors of Christianity. One poor Indian came into one ofthose professing Christian’s house, with a brass candlestick,that was worth four shillings sterling, and begged two shil-ling loaves of bread for it, but the inhuman woman onlygave him one loaf, which I was ashamed at, and am sorrythat she is the mother of children; knowing this is notthe way to secure bread here for them, neither lay upriches in Eternity, which will not wax old. I was invit-ed to stay there, and was told by this person, that theman where I stayed was a deist: but I answered, Heacts like a Christian to me, being merciful. What astrange view must the Indians have of the Christian reli-gion; no wonder they do refuse to practise it, and darenot place confidence in the fruitless professors: for itmust be acknowledged, that they have made many of theIndians two fold more the children of the devil, by bring-ing strong drink unto them, and setting an example ofwickedness before their eyes, which a Holy God willpunish them severely for, as they were taught to believeJesus Christ has Died to take away sin: and can availthemselves with the privilege of reading the inspired writ-ings of Moses and the Prophets, and the Miracles of ourLord and Saviour, who crowned His life with Mercy, Love,and Righteousness, and His followers must obey Him ifthey worship His Sceptre of holiness, that rules in theheart of every believer who submits to the Governmentof King Immanuel, the Prince of Peace. I was not sorry that Judge Dean gave me a refusal:for as soon as I saw him, it passed through my mind, thathe was not a suitable person to administer spiritual com-fort; he might do to make treaties, and receive of theirlands a reward, if they were disposed to trust him so far.Our riding eighteen miles, will not lose its reward of theLord my God, who has heard the sentiments of this wiseman, respecting his poor Indian brethren: and I have nodoubt, when all Nations are at the Bar of the Eternal