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Judge, that he will see those stand with him there, althoughhe thinks they are not of the same species with us. Godgrant that none of them may rise up to condemn him inthe awful day of Judgment, when all shall receive ac-cording to the mercy they manifest in this world. [4th 8thmo. 1805, Vernon, Oneida County, New York State.] As I continued in this part, I went among the Pagansagain, and sat in silence with them sometime at the palewhere I held the last meeting. All the week I had tra-vailled in my spirit for Blacksmith, the Chief, who wasnigh an hundred years old, and in a state of gross dark-ness, which has bowed down my mind in awful silencebefore God, during the last night, that I might be a Sa-vour of life unto him, and a sweet smelling Savour to theLord my God, who has crowned my life with His LovingKindness, and Rich Mercy, from the consequence of beingoffered unto Him before I was born, by a man of faith, tosucceed him in his Gospel Labour; for, before he expired,he cried out, When you are doing well, if it be possible,I will look down from Heaven, and smile on you, whichhas come into my mind at this present moment, expectingthis little service of mine will give additional pleasure tohim, from whose loins I proceeded, to glorify his Godand mine, in the regions of blessedness, when time is swal-lowed up in Eternity. The Old Chief received me with cordiality; but myInterpreter was gone a long journey, and I had to applyto the Spirit to make them understand, as He did by thesame Spirit in the day of Pentecost, when they all had therevelation of Jesus Christ made manifest in their heartsthrough the outpouring of the Spirit, while they were as-sembled together. As I was praying, my desire wasvery great for the Salvation of their precious souls; and Isaw the heart of Blacksmith exceeding hard and dark,like a beast’s heart, such as King Nebuchadnezzar’s whenin his state of degradation in the field grazing: but con-tinuing in supplication with great ardency of sprite, theLord shewed me, through His Revealing Power, that He