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The Bank of Faith and Works United


their children, that they might feel renewed by the Powerof the Holy Ghost, and live the true life of Faith. Thesewomen could all understand English; and several ofthem professed to be Born again. Eve, the oldest squaw,said I have been Christian thirty years, being four-score years old; yet walked one day to hear me perch fourmiles, which my Master bid me reward her for it double.I was sorry that it was not in my power to clothe themwith necessary things; for I had but four gowns, and Igave them three of my little number, and from one dozenpieces of new linen, I left but one change: so the God ofHeaven and Earth, put it into the hearts of my rich Chris-tian sisters to supply my returning wants, when I goamong them; and above all, clothe my poor Red sisterswith the saint’s pure white linen, that I may meet themin the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. I saw a white woman among the rest of the females,who was from the State of New jersey, she was smoking,and had two children named, being married to an Indian.I was told that she had a third child, an infant; but lastwinter it perished for want of clothes: poor babe! itssorrows are at an end, and it is shining with the robe ofJesu’s Righteousness! I told her, She ought to be a pat-tern to the Indian women; and to induce her, I gave hera long morning gown, to make her helpless children eachone, requesting Abraham Serjeant to let his daughtermake them: but he said It is too good. It will lastthe better I replied, for being fine and good. AfterwardsI had the pleasure to see this white woman at a meeting:for she with many others came a long way, and I had anopportunity to preach repentance and Faith in JesusChrist, and was blessed in my own soul abundantly, forfeeling the miseries of my fellow-creatures in every direc-tion, attending to the Spirit of God in me [12th 8th mo.1805, Stockbridge.] Much concern I feel for the Indians here, as wellas for those I have mentioned: but those have betterhouses, and have a school for their children, and many