was an obedient Son, and never transgressed: yet theFather laid upon Him the iniquity of us all. The ar-dency of mind which I felt was great, and I am thankfulthe spirit of prayer was imported to me, that I might in-tercede thereby for the application of his Virtuous Blood,which poured forth from His Wounds, when He hung aSpectacle in the air, Dying for all Nations, who wereMade by Him. I gave Captain Hendrick my pocket book,as I had not a crown to reward him with, for interpreta-tion. When I came out, many of the Indians gladly tookme by the hand, which affectionately I saluted after thesame manner, knowing, One God was our Father, Re-deemer, and Sanctifier of all, who are made whole withHis Stripes. I went a few miles, and held a second meeting in abarn: for the people, in many places, have to assemblethus, being not able to accommodate themselves better.My text was, Master which is the first and great co-mandment? The fervency of my spirit made me bold asa lion, and I thought I could finish my life in excitingthem to love the Lord their God with all their heart,soul, mind, and strength. This is my experience, said I,and O that it was each of your’s! Several times I stoodsilent, being powerfully prevented by weeping; no won-der if some from this evening, love God with all theirheart, and keep me in remembrance, for the exercise ofmy faith and prayer. The day was finished by riding fivemiles alone, contemplating the Love of God in Christ tome. [13th 8th mo. 1805, Vernon, Oneida County.] Appointments are made for me in five places, one foreach day; so my work follows me, though I feared beingkept idle. The insatiate thirst for souls which I feel,is a thousand times more than for my daily bread, or ne-cessary raiment, therefore I am continually brought intoperplexities and doubts for the different situations of myhearers. In many corners here, I find some desiring toknow what they shall do to obtain Life Eternal; which Iam baptized for, as I pass along from one place to another,