said, I have come six miles for her, and will not be ex-cused from taking her to my house: therefore she mustcome with me; for I have promised to take her to Oneidanext Sabbath, as Skanando, the old Chief, will not besatisfied without it. The contest was finished, and I thought I was richlyrewarded for my faithfulness, having exhorted them to beready for the approach of the Bridgegroom, who wouldcome in such an hour as they thought not of. As I wenthome with S. K. we had a very solemn die, and our tearsflowed reciprocally: for the Lord our God, had been withus in ten thousand dangers, where death threatened us inthe most poignant manner. He told me that he has beenminister forty years, and twenty of that time he adoptedan Indian’s life, living among them for their benefit. Whenhis lot was first cast there, he was fixed with the best manthey had, who died a few days after; which they attri-buted to him, and were determined to have revenge, lifefor life. He said, I was commanded to fall asleep, anda fire was prepared; but while they were all around me,I kept singing hymns, trusting in God to deliver me, yetthey often said to me, Go to sleep, why do you sing?at last one of the Chiefs was wright on, and made anaffecting speech, signifying, that This brother had fallendown few steps short a few paces, were they to kill a whitebrother for it, saying, It will bring innocent blood uponour Nation if we kill him: therefore they hearkened untothis Chief, and I was marvelously delivered from the jawsof death. Another wonderful escape I had through thegoodness of God: I had taught a number of the young In-dins to sing psalms, and they used to come and singwith me, and I prayed, so that many of them were becomecivilized, and did not like to go out among the warriors,which enraged the men of war much, so that they agreedto take my life from me, saying, I wanted to teach themto milk, and hoe, and make women of them. The nightthey fixed for putting me to death, I was fast asleep, and