an old woman came and tried to wake me, knowing theirintention, crying, Up; up; up; many times, and thenleft me; but being very sound, I did not regard what wassaid unto me, and therefore lay still, till she came andshook me by the shoulders, and said Up; up; flee; fleefor life; giving me a blanket to hide me; I run amongsome thick bushes, and covered myself all over, layingdown under them, which I had no sooner done, but Iheard them march along, sounding through the woods,singing their warlike songs and passed by me, to go tothe hut where I came from, and sought me with greatfury, threatening the aged woman that they would killher unless she would tell where I was, but she said I Wasnot there, and then cried out pitiably, What! kill anold granny! kill an old granny! so they went away, andI remained to hide myself several days, until their ragewas pacified against me. I was pleased to hear the deliverance that God wroughtout for my friend, and remarked, that if he had been morefaithful, the Lord then would have blessed his laboursmore abundantly, which he with tears acknowledged hebelieved; yet said, I have seen fruit of my labour: forthere are thirteen women brought to believe on our LordJesus, and Skanando, the old Chief, is a Christian, weep-ing all the way. Let the time past suffice, I cried, but ifthou hadst only taken thought for the Indians, God wouldhave cared for thee and they children; and I am fully sensi-ble that no one will ever profit the Indians unless theycan lay aside their own interest, and I am thankful thatthou hast done the good thou hast: but I wish thoughwouldst let the time past suffice, and what they hand find-set to do, do it with all they might. My aged brother, withtears said he Would take my advice: for what I hadadvanced was the truth; and I found great peace in de-claring what I did, and hope that useful lesson, which theLord my God taught me by His Spirit to give him, willbe put in practice by myself, in every point of view, astouching my spiritual labour in His Vineyard; for unless