mation I got from A. S. their minister. This day two ofthe missionaries, and young clergyman were present,while my soul was earnestly engaged for the good of theIndians: but I verily believe by their proceedings, it wastheir opinion that a woman ought not to preach: for oneof them said afterwards, had I Come to teach them toknit and sew, it would be very well. From two until six,I abode, and told them I hoped to see them among Christ’ssheep at His Right Hand. The women presented me anaddress, written by Capt. Hendrick, an Indian Chief, whowas my interpreter. This address was to shew their affec-tion and gratitude, for crossing the Great Ocean, to callthem to the Fold of Jesus, which some already are in, be-ing Lambs of His Care, and Sheep of His Pasture. I feltsorry to be obliged to trouble A. S. for a horse, but if it beever in my power, I will reward him; and I am equallyobliged to him for his kindness, in setting me four milesto Vernon, to the residence of my kind father Young. [19th 8th mo. 1805, Vernon, Oneida County.] AN ADDRESSFrom the Women of the Muhheconnuk nation of Indians,written on their behalf, in their native language, andtranslated into English by Captain Hendrick, one of theIndian chiefs, and presented to Dorothy Ripley, on herdeparture from amongst them. DEAR SISTER, WE, the poor women of the Muhheconnuk nation,wish to speak few words to you, to inform you, that whileour forefathers were sitting by the side of their ancientfire-place, about eighty years ago, our father, Rev. Mr.Sergeant’s father, came amongst them with the messageof the Great and Good Spirit, which he then began to de-liver to them. He was the first minister of the gospelthat ever preached to our fathers, and the Great and GoodSpirit blessed his labours, by which means many of ourpoor natives were turned from darkness to light. Our ancestors loved their minister, whom they looked