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The Bank of Faith and Works United


upon as father, because he was willing to live and die withthem. Sister, We will also inform you, that since our father,Mr. Sergeant’s father died, he began to manifest a com-passionate feeling towards our dismal situation; he in thefirst place began to teach us to read and write, this he didseveral years; after this he then began to deliver the wordof the Good Spirit, and his labours have been blessed, bywhich means we who are commonly called by the whitepeople Squaws, are enquiring the way to Zion. Sister, While we were sitting by the side of our fire-place here, we saw you coming, and when you openedyour mouth we believed you was sent by the Great andGood Spirit to visit us (poor natives of this Island.) Wefeel thankful to Him that He has put such a love in yourheart, that you was willing to undertake such a long andtedious journey on the purpose to deliver His message to us.We thank the Great Good Spirit that He has protectedyou on the way, that you arrived here safely. Sister, In behalf of the rest of our woman, we nowheartily thank you for your kindness and for the pains youhave taken to visit us. We hope by the help of the Great Good Spirit, we shallever remember you, and the good words which you deli-vered to us. Although we do not expect ever to see youagain, yet we believe that the Lord Jesus is able to helpus that we may hold out unto the end, that we may see youamong His Sheep on His Right, where we shall never beparted again. May the Good Spirit protect you on your way, thatyou may have pleasant journey unto the end, farewell. Lydia Suhquauwkhuh, or Hendrick. Catharine Quauquwchon. Eliz. Maukhtoaquauwusquch, or Jersey. Catharine Quinney. Eve Knohtcaunmeu. In behalf of the rest. New Stockbridge. 19th August, 1805.In the State of New York.