man who had uniformly been friendly to Indians; he im-mediately demanded redress, consequently a number ofthe young man’s friends waited on the offended person,and one of them made the following speech: it losesmuch of its native beauty in the translation, owing to the widedifference between the idioms of the two languages. Brothers of the Oneida Nation here convened; openyour ears and listen—you likewise, our brother the whiteman, attend. Brothers, the preservation of our lives, to the brightshining of the sun this morning, must be ascribed to Godour Maker, who resides in the Heavens, but extends theArm of His Power to all his creatures. Brothers, let us all be thankful and duly acknowledgethe Mercy of God our Creator. Brothers, the occasion of the present meeting remindsus of the uncertainty of human life, and the instability ofman’s resolutions. Our brother, the white man, thinks henarrowly escaped being killed by one of our men, so latelyas yesterday morning, this young Indian man but alittle while ago, made a solemn promise to refrain forever from the intoxicating draught, which disarms the manof his right mind. Alas! how uncertain our enjoyments,both as to life and its peace and quiet! had blood beenspilled, this day would have been darkness to us! and weall buried in a flood of tears and grief! Let us all againthank God, that no vein has been opened to endangerhuman life; the wound of friendship can easily be hear led.It is truly a grief to us, that the abuse was given to a manwho has always been friendly to us Indians, and neverdid them an injury since the time he first came by theirfire-side. But other white-skins have whipped and beatensome of us poor Indians, because of our frailties and fol-lies; and chased them from their houses, with such whipsas they use upon refractory horses. Alas! how are thetimes changed; in the days of the glory of our forefathersit was not so, the language then was Brother walk in,sit down, rest yourself, here is a dish, refresh yourself,