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Travels in Some Parts of North America, in the Years 1804, 1805, & 1806, by Robert Sutcliff


The next morning, the 4th of 8th Month, we got safe to Philadelphia to breakfast. Here I met with my brother J. S. and cousin T. W. whom I accompanied to S. B's, in Arch-street, where I took up my lodgings. The streets of Philadel- phia all run parallel, or cross each other at right angles, and many of them are planted with a row of trees on each side. In walking along them, I was a good deal entertained with the loud, and almost incessant chirping which is heard from the trees in the evening, after sunset; and which I un- derstood was chiefly occasioned by the tree frog. This species of frog makes its abode amongst the branches of the trees, and' makes a very considera- ble noise in the evening. 8th Month, 5th. I attended the Northern Division monthly meeting; and, being kindly invited, I dined and drank tea at J. W.'s, where I met with R. J.-M. R.-S. S. and T. S. The company of so many friends, whom I had seen and known in England, was very pleasant. On the 6th of the 8th Month, I attended the quarterly meeting for Philadelphia, which, though one of the largest in America, did not continue more than one hour and a half, there being but little business before it, besides answering the queries. As this was likely to be a very abundant