all. This was the general practice of friends dur- ing the war, particularly with those who stood true to the principles of their profession: and this proved the best policy; for though attended with some loss of provisions at the time, yet they were generally preserved from any serious suffering in their persons, by their hospitable conduct. 8th Month, 12th. This being the 1st day of the week, our relation conducted us to Providence meeting, a few miles distant from his house. After meeting we were kindly invited to dinner, by a friend who was a stranger to us. We felt and acknowledged his kindness, but returned with our relation, in whose family we spent the remainder of the day. Notwithstanding this was the hottest season of the year, we had a very liberal supply of ice upon the table; which I found my relation had the means of procuring without trouble or expence to himself. Amongst the buildings in his purchase was an ice-house, which every winter is replenished by some of his neighbours, for the privilege of supplying themselves in the summer. I noticed that the two female servants employed in the fa- mily, had, both of them, been lately hired from on board a vessel lying in the Delaware; and which had recently arrived from Amsterdam with several hundred Germans, men, women, and children, of that description of people called, in America, Re- demptioners. These are people in low circum-