I set out for New-York in the packet-boat, by way of Burlington, and had a pleasant sail up the Delaware, being about 20 miles. The fare I paid was 13 1/2 pence to Burlington. The next day I attended Burlington meeting, and on the 24th, set out in the public stage for Am- boy, passing through a great part of West Jersey. In our way we breakfasted at Croswick's, where I noticed a noble meeting-house and school, which friends have build there, with spacious grounds about them, all in neat order. This night I lodged at the inn at Amboy, and was pleasantly lulled to rest by the plaintive notes of the Whippoorwill. This bird is often heard in the dead of the night, in the summer season, in America. Its song is an unceasing repetition of the three syllables of its name, Whip-poor-will, in soft and plaintive accents. 8th Month, 25th. This morning I went on board the packet for New-York, and in the passage we passed by the Romulus, Capt. R. B. from Liver- pool. By this vessel I had the pleasure of receiv- ing letters from my friends in England, and also agreeable accounts of my wife and children, who were at Liverpool when she left that port. I staid at New-York till after the 11th of the 9th month. In this city I once dined at the house of --, in company with several English friends.