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Travels in Some Parts of North America, in the Years 1804, 1805, & 1806, by Robert Sutcliff


books; but that he was determined to be Emperor of Haiti, (the Indian name for Domingo,) in de-fiance of both the French and the Quakers. Not-withstanding this determination, he has since been cut off by his enemies. This day I attended Market-street Meeting, and afterwards dined with A. A. and M. R. and spent a great part of the afternoon with them very pleasantly. 2d Month, 1st. This day I dined at J. D.'s, in company with J. F. one of the persons who ac- companied me on my voyage from England. The extreme severity of the weather had brought down several kinds of water fowls from the northern parts of this continent, which were quite unknown to the naturalists in this country. J. F. shewed one one of them which he had purchased, and which appeared to be a species of duck; but was much larger, and of a more beautiful plumage than the common kind. 2d Month, 4th. I attended the quarterly meeting in this city, in which a testimony on account of W. Savery, was produced and read, expressive of the high estimation in which he was held by friends here. 2th Month, 14th. Being invited, I attended the marriage of J. W. and A. A. of Philadelphia,