3d Month, 2d, 3d, and 4th, were spent in Phi-ladelphia. The 2d I drank tea and spent a plea- sant evening at my kind friend T. S.'s, formerly of Kendal. On the 3d I attended the North Division Meeting, and was afterwards kindly entertained by J. W.'s family, in which I spent an agreeable even-ing in company with A. A. and R. J.; and on the 4th spent part of the day at my friend T. S.'s, in company with A. A. and her companion M. R. 3d Month, 10th. I went over to Germantown, attended their meeting, and returned to Philadel-phia in the evening. At Germantown, I perceived that many of the friends were descendants of German parents; and I should suppose that most of the towns people are of German extraction. I observed here a number of stocking makers, who manufacture an excellent and substantial article. 3d Month, 11th. I dined at the house of a friend, a native of Bermudas. In the course of conversation he informed me, that his business having led him to St. Eustatia, he was there at the time that island was captured by Admiral Rodney; and was witness to many transactions consequent on the capture of such an island; which, like every other effect of war, produced great distress and misery to the inhabitants.