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Travels in Some Parts of North America, in the Years 1804, 1805, & 1806, by Robert Sutcliff


3d Month, 22d. After about three months con- tinuance the frost broke up, which was such as had not been felt for the last 40 years, and during which even the largest rivers were so frozen, that heavy carriages passed offer them daily, as on dry land. At one time I had the curiosity to measure the ice on the river Delaware, and found it was 22 inches in thickness. Now the wind having shifted to the southward, the snow and ice were fast dis-appearing; and, on taking a ride towards Glouces-ter Point, it was curious to hear the loud croaking and whistling, that proceeded from the Lizards and frogs in every pool of water I passed by. 4th Month, 5th. During my stay in Philadelphia, I often experienced the generous hospitality of my friends in that city, in very frequent invitations to one or other of their houses. In the recollec-tion of their kindness the feelings of gratitude often arise in my breast.