you can't suppose that the Almighty looks so narrowly into our actions as you do!-Thus we see that the great adversary deceives his victims into a belief, that their actions are not seen by the Om- niscient Eye. I spent the evening and slept under G. D.'s hospitable roof. 4th Month, 7th. I attended Burlington Meet- ing; and in the afternoon set out in the stage for Allentown. My companion in the stage was a young man lately returned from St. Domingo. He had resided several years there, and had been wit-ness to many atrocious cruelties which had been perpetrated on that island, both by the white and black people; and which are too shocking to re-late. In making a comparison between the whites and blacks, as to the faculties of the mind, he declared that he could perceive no difference, where the advantages of education had been equal. 4th Month, 8th. I lodged last night at Al-lentown, and came this day to Amboy; and, after dinner, went on board the packet for New-York, where I arrived safe this evening. I have often admired the prospects around Amboy, as well as those from the Sea, throughout the whole passage to New-York, particularly in passing Staten and Long Islands, and when the eye catches a first view of that city. The whole is indeed extremely beau-tiful, but not easily described.