balance in hand. In the evening I attended the Westown School Committee 4th Month, 20th. I attended the tenth and last sitting of the yearly meeting. The epistles to several yearly meetings were read and agreed to; afterwards several female friends were introduced from the women's meeting. After a short pause, one of them addressed herself to the meeting; but more particularly to those employed in husbandry, who composed a large part of the body then pres-ent. In lively and animated language she re-marked to them, that the nature of their employ-ment afforded, in a peculiar manner, an opportu- nity of observing the wonderful works of the creation; but, at the same time, she expressed a fear that some of them did not sufficiently, in these things, regard the Almighty and Beneficent Author of every mercy. In the recollection thereof, the words of a pious author recurred to her memory, which were descriptive of a mind truly alive to tile feelings of gratitude and adora-tion to the Great First Cause of all things; and are as follows:- He looks abroad into the varied field Of Nature, and th' poor, perhaps, compared With those whose mansions glitter in his sight, Calls the delightful scenery all how own.