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Travels in Some Parts of North America, in the Years 1804, 1805, & 1806, by Robert Sutcliff


We crossed the North River, and arrived at New- York to dinner; where I took up my lodgings at my old friend P. P.'s, whom I found in a weak state of health. 5th Month, 26th. I attended New-York meet- ing; afterwards dined at J. B.'s, in company with two friends from Canada. In the afternoon I drank tea at J. M.'s, in company with several other friends: and spent the evening at C. and E. C.'s. 5th Month 31st. The last five days I spent in attending the yearly meeting at New-York; and on the evening of the 31st attended a Committee on Indian Affairs. This committee corresponds with the Indians, who are disposed to be instructed and assisted by friends. I observed that the com- munications from the Indians consisted chiefly in requests that friends would furnish them with iron-work, and workmen to assist them in building their houses and barns. 6th Month, 1st. I went to Flushing on Long Island, along with my relation T. W. and ano-ther friend. On the 3d we returned to New-York, and, in the afternoon, I set out for Phila-delphia, in the Amboy Packet, in company with a French merchant, his wife, and three children. They came from Bordeaux, whence they were