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Travels in Some Parts of North America, in the Years 1804, 1805, & 1806, by Robert Sutcliff


just arrived. We had lo on hoard a young man from Montego Bay, in Jamaica. The after- noon being fine and clear, the wind fair, and the company agreeable, we had a delightful sail to Amboy, being about 30 miles. 6th Month, 4th. I came to Burlington; and after a pleasant evening spent in the family, slept at G. D.'s. 6th Month, 5th. This morning I called upon J. H. with whom I spent an hour or two very pleasantly, in company with Geo. Dillwyn. Most of the time, we sat upon the benches at his door, the weather being very fine and warm. It is very common here to have benches, facing each other, on the outside of their houses, at the oars, un-der the shade of trees planted in the streets; where they frequently sit enjoying the fresh breeze, and the shade. Burlington is a pleasant place in these respects; the principal street being fronted by the Delaware, has the benefit of the cool air blowing from it. This evening I arrived at Philadelphia, after a pleasant sail of 18 miles down the Delaware. 7th Month, 28th. After spending about seven weeks in Philadelphia and its neighbourhood, principality in attention to commercial engage- ments, I this day set out, accompanied by Edward