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Travels in Some Parts of North America, in the Years 1804, 1805, & 1806, by Robert Sutcliff


Wilson, for Baltimore, in the Newcastle packet- boat. We had a pleasant sail down the Delaware, and arrived at Newcastle a little before noon; 40 miles. This place had the appearance of con-siderable antiquity, though it is not very large; and, in the neighbourhood of it are many thorn fences, which are seldom found in America. 7th Month, 29th, we set out this morning for French-town, by the stage, where we arrived to breakfast, 16 miles; and that place being on the basks of the Chesapeake Bay, we there met with the Baltimore Packet, in which we embarked, after our refreshment. In sailing down the Bay, the weather being fine, the Captain sent his boat along shore to collect drift wood, for the fire; and she soon returned well loaded. On board the packet, we dined, supped, and lodged, and break- fasted next morning. For all this and our passage, we paid five dollars each. 7th Month, 30th. After breakfasting on board the packet in Chesapeake Bay, we landed at Balti-more; and, passing a few miles up the river Potapsco, I spent the remainder of the day in business, and took up my lodgings at J. T.'s. 8th Month, 3d. This evening I visited Ellicot's Mills, in company with J. T. and his wife. The overseer of these mills informed me they could