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Travels in Some Parts of North America, in the Years 1804, 1805, & 1806, by Robert Sutcliff


Chapter VII. Washington--Frederick-Town--York-Town--Columbia-- Lancaster--Merion--Radnor. 19th of 8th Month, 1805. I spent this day at Washington City and George-Town; dined at Doctor Thornton's, an old school-fellow, and a descendant of Governor Pickering of Tortola. I likewise spent the evening with the Doctor at the Patent Office, from which we had a beautiful prospect down the Patowmack. 8th Month, 20th. I went in the stage from George-Town to Frederick-Town, in Maryland. At this place the death of a person of the name of Smith, was a general subject of conversation. I was informed that, in early life, he had been a transported convict from England, and had lived and wrought with the black slaves, and had taken a wife from amongst them. Since the time of his servitude expired, he had, by industry and management, acquired 70,000l. part of which he gave to his children by his black wife; and the residue, being the largest proportion, to his white children. This man, I was told, was the principal stockholder in the Columbia Bank. I spent two days more at Frederick-town, be-ing detained by the stage. Great numbers of