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Travels in Some Parts of North America, in the Years 1804, 1805, & 1806, by Robert Sutcliff


of its inhabitants, with whom I had been well acquainted, had been suddenly taken away by the ravages of that dreadful disease. The next morn- ing I left New-York, and passing through Green-wich, and over Harlem Bridge, I arrived at T. W.'s to dinner. There I spent the afternoon in company with one of the Pilots for the Sound, a healthy old man between 80 and 90 years of age, who frequently walked 20 miles a-day. In coming up to T. W.'s, I passed through Greenwich, a village to which the business of New-York, together with the banks and public offices, were removed on ac- count of the yellow fever. The bustle and con-fusion occasioned thereby is not easily conceived. For the accommodation of the merchants, many temporary wooden buildings were erected. 10th Month, 23d. I accompanied T. and E. W. to West Chester meeting; and, in the after-noon, drank tea and spent a few hours with I. C.'s family, who were under affliction on account of the decease of his wife. She had been lately re-moved by the yellow fever, having, it was sup- posed, taken the infection the day previous to her coming to West Chester; to which place the family had removed for safety from the infection. The removal of this valuable friend, has been a very trying dispensation to her husband and family. If I understand right, she has left 13 children.