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Travels in Some Parts of North America, in the Years 1804, 1805, & 1806, by Robert Sutcliff


narrowest; and that they must gradually increase in breadth to the lowest range, otherwise they could not wrap regularly round the axle. The gradual decrease in the breadth of the pannels has a very pretty effect, when the shutters are down; and, contrary to my expectation, I did not observe that the meeting suffered any inconveniency from the voices of the women, in the other division of the house. 2d Month, 4th. This day I visited a friend, his wife, and family, who in company with several others had lately emigrated from the neighbour-hood of Pyrmont in Germany. Their object in coming to America, was, that they and their chil- dren might have more of the company of friends. As the wages of the poor are very low in that part of Germany, not exceeding 3d. or 4d. per day, and the necessaries of life are high in proportion, few labourers there can afford to have any thing better than coarse rye or barley bread, sprinkled with a little salt, to their tea or coffee; and these Germans, being all labouring people in low cir-cumstances, found a great alteration in their situ- ation every way, and appeared very thankful for the change. 2d Month, 5th. In the course of the day I vi- sited a family of friends, who had lately emigrated from Amsterdam, of the name of Poppeleim, and