In returning to my lodgings, I had the curiosity to take the dimensions of a chesnut tree, of the sweet kind, which stood by the way side; and round it more than 27 feet in circumference, and its thickness continued in regular proportion to the height of about seven yards, which was the length of the bole, clear of branches. 7th Month, 16th. I have noticed for a day or two past, that the harvest for wheat, rye, and barley, is entirely over, not having continued more than two weeks. The serene and settled weather generally prevalent here, with the practice of work people of all descriptions turning into the harvest field, makes short work of it. It is not customary here, as in England, for the women to work in the harvest field at all. In this neighbourhood the blacksmiths, wheelwrights, weavers, taylors, &;c. &;c. all shut up their shops to assist the far- mers. 7th Month, 20th. I attended Merion meeting, and in the afternoon visited an ancient friend of the name of Mary Price, who, although upwards of 80 years of age, generally walks about a mile to meeting; and, considering her years, continues to be an active, lively woman. At her house I was shewn a deed of conveyance, of five thousand acres of land, the purchase-money for which was one hundred pounds, reserving a quit-rent to William