that I have met with slave merchants, who were far inferior to this black person, in the faculties of the mind. After a pleasant morning thus spent at J. M.'s, he brought me to New-York, and shewed me through the cellars of his extensive brewery in that city. The remaining part of the day, was spent in preparations for my voyage to England. 9th Month, 6th. This morning I attended New- York meeting, and afterwards dined at my cousin B. B.'s; and drank tea and spent the evening with some other of my friends. The afternoon meeting was disturbed this day, by a singular character, who, I understand, was often very troublesome. After the meeting had sat some time in silence, he got up, and, with a loud violent gesticulation, declared that he came there that day, in order to bear his solemn testimony against silent meetings. 9th, Month, 8th. This day was mostly employed in packing up my luggage, and putting it on board the ship. 9th Month, 9th. This morning, between six and seven o'clock, I went on board the Oliver Elsworth, attended by several friends of New-York, who kindly accompanied us, and remained until the ship weighed and or about eight o'clock. I