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Travels in Some Parts of North America, in the Years 1804, 1805, & 1806, by Robert Sutcliff


On the 25th day, about midnight, we came close in with the point of Holyhead; and, about one in the morning, came in sight of the Skerries Light-house. This was the last night we were out at sea, and to me it appeared by far the most dangerous; for the wind being very high, and the tide running very strong along this rocky coast, made so much noise, that the seamen were unable to hear the captain give his commands; and being close in with the Isle of Anglesea, we appeared to be completely land-locked. I stood by the captain, he requested me to reach the speaking trumpet, which was the only time he had occasion to make use of it for this purpose during the voyage. All was agitation and bustle for a time; the loud roaring of the winds and waves was such, that, even aided by the speaking trumpet, it was with difficulty the Captain could make himself heard by the poor seamen, who were aloft in the rigging, using every exertion to keep the ship from driving upon the rocks; with the wind blowing right upon them. I had now crossed the Atlantic four times, but had not before heard so loud an uproar of winds and waves as at this period; which, I suppose, was in part owing to the tide at this time running out with violence round the point of Holyhead, and adding to the loud howling of the winds in the