found that illustrious statesman and christian sage, sitting on the piazza under the lengthened shadows of the sun, with a long pipe by his side, in full view of the simple and solid rural improvements of the place; and in the attitude of one at peace with himself, and with all around him. I was painfully struck with the ravages of time upon him, and the change that had taken place in his visage and appearance, since I last had the satisfac-tion of seeing him some years before. At first, he did not appear to recollect me; and this was the only instance that I perceived of any direct decay of his mental faculties. He conversed that evening and the next morning cheerfully and correctly, and seemed to be much interested in Mr. Eddy's conversation, and to sympathise with him in his feelings and concerns. Those two venerable men (the one then being in his seventy-sixth year, and the other in his eighty-first year) had been intimate friends; with correspondent principles in all matters of personal duty, and of good will to men, from a period which commenced soon after the conclusion of the American war. We returned to town the next day, and Mr. Eddy, in the course of this tour, interested me exceedingly with anecdotes and occurrences connected with his early life, in this city, during the revolutionary war, and down to the period of our first acquaintance. I have only to add, that while upon this last visit, his cheerful, free, varied, and instructive conversation, gave me additional cause to love and admire him. I am, dear sir, with great respect and esteem, Your friend and obedient servant, JAMES KENT. To DOCTOR HOSACK. New York, March 1Oth, 1833. DEAR SIR, The Life of the late Thomas Eddy is about to be published byColonel Knapp of this city, into whose hands I have placed the materials I had collected for that purpose. Knowing that upon the subject of prisons, and other objects of benevolence, he was long in correspondence with you as a fellow labourer in the same cause; it occurs to me that you may have some of his communi-cations which are calculated to give interest to the publication in view, and may from your personal knowledge of Mr. Eddy, and of his pursuits, contribute some materials to the volume, that will