his manuscripts will be found many pieces that he has written on this subject. It is very possible that my connexion with the Manumission Society, brought me acquainted with him as a member of that institution, previously to my having had intercourse with him as an advocate of the amelioration of our penal code. It is known how much that society is, and always has been, in the hands of members of the society of Friends, and how far the act abo-lishing slavery, is owing to their exertions. In this, Mr. Eddy took a leading part. I well remember, however, that he was adverse to the colonization society; and he discouraged the first attempts which were made to establish a branch of the society in New York. He thought it was a scheme of the slave holders to perpetuate slavery, rather than intended as a means of eman-cipation. Their design, in his opinion, was to make the societyinstrumental in ridding them of their old or worthless slaves, and thereby enable them to perpetuate the bondage of the young and valuable; whereas, if the slave holding states were obliged to bear the burthen of those the society would take off their hands, he thought these states would the sooner be compelled to adopt measures that would give freedom to the blacks. Mr. Eddy's rea-soning on this subject, induced me to adopt his sentiments. But if he had lived to have had a better view of the objects of the Society, and to witness their extraordinary success, I cannot doubt but that he would have yielded, as I have done, his prejudices against this valuable institution. I am the more induced to think that this would have been the case, from considering the very active part which Mr. Eddy afterwards took in a project which was set on foot, I think, in the year 1825, and to which, if it had succeeded, there would have been the same objections which there were in his mind to colonization societies. About the time I have men-tioned, the President of Hayti sent a Mr. Grandville, a coloured gentleman, as an ambassador to New York. His object was to induce black people to emigrate to that island, at the expense of its government, with an offer of land and means of living when they arrived there. Mr. Eddy was indefatigable in his exertions to promote the views of Mr. Grandville. He formed a society for this purpose. Considerable funds were raised, and the Haytian emissary returned to his government with a cargo of emigrants.