They were accompanied by an agent of the society, who managed to quarrel with the government of the island. The emigrants were disappointed. They alleged that the promises made to them were not fulfilled, and the whole thing ended in a heavy expense to the members of the Society. There was nothing in which Mr. Eddy took a deeper or more active interest, than in the establishment of our free schools. But I had no particular connexion with that institution. I can there-fore only say, that I have often visited them with him, and been witness of the zeal he manifested for their prosperity. Go-vernor Clinton was the great patron of this and other benevolent establishments, in which Mr Eddy was concerned; and I believe we owe the assistance they have derived from Mr. Clinton's great talents and influence, more to Mr. Eddy than to any other man. The history of the New York canals will show how large a share Mr. Eddy had in directing Governor Clinton's attention to these great projects. I found Mr. Eddy a governor of the New York Hospital, (of which he died president) when I was elected to that office about the year 1812. I believe he had been in that station from a very early date. There, as elsewhere, he was one of the most efficient and useful members of the institution to which he belonged. In the year 1816, I think the legislature made a very liberal grant of an increased revenue to the hospital. This was obtained entirely by the exertions and address of Mr. Eddy, who spent the greater part of a winter at Albany, to obtain the grant. Per-haps the institution is more indebted to the good management of Mr. Eddy, than to the liberality of the legislature. For it has been said, and I believe, not without foundation, that the members of the legislature were not aware of the extent of their endow-ment. The duration of annuity which is granted, depends on the duration of a previous grant, which, it is said, it was supposedwas more limited, than upon examination is found to be the case. But this ample provision induced the governors of the hospital to turn their attention to a separate establishment for the insane, for whom the accommodations afforded by the city buildings were very inconvenient. In making a new provision for this class of patients, Mr. Eddy engaged with his accustomed energy, and from his exertions, and the co-operation of those associated with