Mr. Eddy in this charity from its origin to his death, than in any of the others of which we were members. Though there were many who participated with him in this humane enterprise, yet I do not think it is going too far to say that its foundation and success was in a great measure owing to him; at least it may be questioned whether, without his indefatigable exertions, this important measure for the prevention of crimes, would have been adopted so soon. He devoted so much of his time to this esta-blishment, and occupied himself so much with its concerns for several years, that he seemed to have no business of a public orprivate nature which he thought so important, or so deserving his attention, It may be worthy of remark, that though there had been penitentiaries or asylums for infant criminals in Europe, previously to the establishment of the House of Refuge, yet there had not been any institution for the reformation of juvenile delinquents. This differed from all others that before existed in this important feature. That the laws subjected to its discipline persons under age, previously to their having committed any crime, when they are without parents, or abandoned by them, and are left without guardian or protection, and are found pur-suing vicious courses, they may be committed to the House of Refuge, where they are withdrawn from the power of their parents even, till such provisions is made for them as the law prescribes. The idea of giving this very enlarged power to magistrates and managers of the House of Refuge, I believe, originated with Mr. Eddy. If the society for the reformation of juvenile delinquents was deprived of this power, it would lose the greater part of its usefulness. Another of our most important and benevolent institutions, owes its origin to the members of the society for the prevention of pauperism; I refer to the SavingsBank. To this Mr. Eddy devoted himself with his usual zeal and energy, and remained one of its most efficient and active managers while he lived. To this list of the numerous benevolent societies of which Mr. Eddy was a member, I must add another establishment, of which he was a founder, and continued a manager, until he thought its successful operation was secured. This was a society to pro-vide fuel for the poor. Those who had not the means of laying up a store, were to deposit their money with the society; who