and happy would it have been for me, if I had, through life, more imitated his excellent character. He possessed fine literary talents, and as a poet was pleasing and instructive. His family connexions were wealthy, and generally fashionable. He, more particularly, during the latter part of his life, was a truly religious and good man. Of William Savary, it would be difficult for me to say too much. No two persons could entertain a more near and tender regard and affection for each other, than always subsisted between us. He was a man of uncommon-ly strong mind, and good understanding. When about 25 years of age, he became a minister, and per-haps there never was one more highly esteemed and beloved. He was admired by all classes, and openly opposed to every thing in the least marked with bigotry or superstition. As a preacher, he was in the first rank. His manner of delivery was pleasing and solemn, his mind was cultivated and improved, and he was uncommonly liberal in his sentiments towards those of other societies. I have often thought there never was so nearly perfect a character, within my knowledge, in our society, and none that more extensively inculcated and effectually diffused, true, practical, Christian principles. I could do no less than pay this brief tribute to the memory of these two excellent men, who were the friends of my youth, and who early instilled into my mind, opi-nions and sentiments, that have been instructive and useful to me through life. In 1777, the British troops took possession of Phila-delphia, and soon after their entering the city, the American army attacked them at Germantown. I rode out with William Savary to that place, before the battle was entirely over, and had a view, a mourn-ful view, of the killed and wounded on the ground. When we arrived, the Americans had retreated, and the British army had advanced as far as Chesnut Hill. About a month previous to the arrival of the