British in Philadelphia, a number of Friends, amongst whom was my elder brother Charles, were arrested by a general warrant, by order of the Executive Council of Pennsylvania, and without being admitted to a hearing, were unjustly banished to Winchester, in Virginia. Of this number, I recollect the names of Israel, John, and James Pemberton, Edward Pening-ton, Thomas, Samuel, and Myers Fisher, Thomas Gilpin, and others. The alleged charge against them was, that they were unfriendly to the independence of America. They were absent several months, and were allowed to return, during the time the British occupied the city. The British army evacuated Philadelphia in 6th month, 1778. Soon after, several persons were arrested, under a charge of aiding the British, and were tried for treason. As is common in all civil wars, the minds of people were extremely irritated against each other, and those who were attached to the British government, were often very bitterly persecuted by the opposite party. Amongst those citizens of Philadelphia charged with treason, were John Roberts and Abraham Carlisle. They were both Friends of good reputation, and very respectable men. The former was a miller, and resi-ded near Merion meeting house, about six miles from Philadelphia. The latter was a board merchant, near Vine street. The charge against Roberts was, that when the British troops were on their march to take possession of Philadelphia, and had advanced near Swedes Ford, on the Schuylkill, 17 miles from the city, he sent word to General Howe, who com-manded the British, that the Friends, who, as afore-mentioned, had been banished to Virginia, were then proceeding on the road to Reading, and suggested to the General that he should send a detachment of the army to fall in with them, in order that they might return to their families. After the British took pos-session of the city, a line of fortifications was com-pleted from the Schuylkill to the Delaware, and